Todi has always been a land of grechetto and sangiovese, as a historic location dedicated to viticulture

Todi has always been a land of grechetto and sangiovese, as a historic location dedicated to viticulture


The territory of Todi, a vocation and inimitability yet to be explored

Todi is located in Umbria – the green heart of Italy – in the valley extending from Perugia to Terni. The river Tiber laps this fertile countryside and then sinuously diverts towards Orvieto before resuming its course. The landscape consists of a series of rolling hills largely covered with woods. The crops alternate between vineyards, olive groves and arable land with an extensive number of stone buildings that testify to the agricultural tradition of these lands that extends back through the centuries. This undulating area offers a unique and unspoiled landscape, forming an agricultural setting of great history and charm.


Todi has always been a land of Grechetto and Sangiovese varieties, as a historic location dedicated to viticulture thanks to its climate and exceptionally fertile soils.  It is considered the variety to have given rise to the Grechetto di Todi, of which the G5 clone is cultivated, undoubtedly being the native grape variety most intimately connected to the Todi territory and able to represent its wine-production tradition.

Immersed in the peaceful countryside, amidst the hills and green valleys that render this land unique, are the vineyards of Roccafiore. With south-east exposure and altitudes between 300 and 380 metres above sea level, the structures face Monte Martano which, at 1,100 metres in altitude, generates a microclimate that is always fresh and ventilated. The soils are characterised by white clays and limestone marl, testifying to the ancient presence of Lake Tiberino that once sprawled through these valleys.


Vineyards specifications

The fifteen hectares of vineyards are united in a single expanse, entirely located in the Municipality of Todi. It is here, from the very first day, we have followed the dictates of organic and sustainable farming, believed to be a natural and rational approach, combined with meticulous manual labour in order to bring healthy and perfect grapes to the cellar.

Vineyards specifications

Vineyards in production: 15 hectares
Farming system: organic and sustainable, with minimal intervention
Location: Todi, Umbria, Central Italy
Altitude: 300–380 metres above sea level
Orography: hills with micro-terraces
Soils: white clays, calcareous marl, chalk and sand
Climate: cold and rainy winter, cool and ventilated summer with considerable thermal excursions between day and night
Vineyard exposure: east/south-east
Training system: Guyot
Density per hectare: 6.500 stumps per ha
Operations in the vineyards: weeding in alternate rows, with each operation during the growing season aimed at preventing any soil erosion and compaction 
Fertilisation: green manure with legumes, grasses and cruciferae to improve the soil structure and fertility
Vineyard protection: minimum amounts of antiperonosporic copper, antioid sulphur, and natural pyrethrum to safeguard against insects
Weed control: strictly mechanical
Certification: Green Heart Quality for sustainable agriculture


Roccafiore è un incubatore di idee dove il vino che si produce è lo specchio del carattere deciso e paziente di coloro che lo producono e che sanno attendere. Quell’attesa ponderata è il segno tangibile della consapevolezza che per fare grandi vini è necessario conoscere, ma anche osare, avendo una chiara visione del risultato che si vuole ottenere. Roccafiore è un microcosmo fatto di persone capaci di dar forma ad un’idea palpabile quanto la passione che le alimenta. Ed in cantina come in vigna si ha piena percezione di questo entusiasmo contagioso.

Produrre vino è un’arte, e come ogni arte ha bisogno di perizia tecnica ma anche di ispirazione. Leonardo e suo figlio Luca questo lo sanno bene e perciò il rapporto con la terra che li ha ispirati non è nostalgico, ma piuttosto rispettoso e orgoglioso della propria identità e dei valori che con soddisfazione si ritrovano nei vini. La filosofia di questa azienda giovane ed ambiziosa si riassume nell’idea che il vino non sia soltanto un prodotto di consumo, quanto piuttosto un complesso distillato di sapori, suggestioni ed esperienze che imprimano al vino il segno di chi l’ha creato. Con lo stesso carattere deciso, distintivo, ricco di sfumature.